Grading in Canvas

Resources to help you with grading assignments in Canvas and navigating the gradebook.

Canvas has a tool called the Speedgrader to help grade assignments and manually graded exam questions. The Speedgrader helps keep all of the assignments organized and allows the instructor to provide online feedback for each student. The gradebook allows the instructor to communicate with the students how they are progressing through the course by keeping an automatic total column for an updated grade.
Video: Canvas Gradebook Overview
Video: Canvas Speedgrader Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I grade an assignment in Canvas?

How do I grade a manually graded question from an exam in Canvas?

How do I grade a group assignment?

How do I hide the Totals column in the Canvas gradebook?

How do I hide a column in the Canvas gradebook?

How do I release grades for in a specific column in the Canvas gradebook?