Certificate Programs (NEW)

We are excited to expand our teaching support offerings with two new programs, New Educators eXperience and Training (NEXT) which is our new faculty orientation and training program, and Veterinary Educator Skills and Training (inVEST). For more about each program visit the links below.

NEXT (New Educators eXperience and Training)

The NEXT Program is designed to help incoming faculty who are new to teaching become familiar with teaching practices at Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. This program will provide new faculty with the tools and training to confidently enter the classroom. Faculty will have individualized assistance from educational specialists and will be able to build connections with other educators at the College.

Features of the NEXT program:

Blended Course – Go at your own pace basic training about basic educational concepts

One-on-One meetings with the Office of Curricular Assessment and Teaching Support

Free books and resources

Topics Include:
-Orientation to teaching at the College
-Syllabus Design
-Classroom Technology at the College
-Classroom Management
-Inclusive Pedagogy

E-mail Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu

To Apply:
Fill out the application in the link below.

inVEST (Veterinary Educator Skills and Training)

Take your teaching practice to the next step by enrolling in the inVEST program. Through this program faculty will be trained in current best practices for teaching, be able to focus on developing materials specific to their teaching needs, and build community with other educators at the college. Enrollment is limited.

Features of the inVEST program:

Blended course – Go at your own pace training about educational concepts

Half-day intensive workshops to build materials and resources

One-on-one meetings with the Office of Curricular Assessment and Teaching Support

Peer reviews of teaching

$500 Stipend upon completion for use in educational endeavors

Topics Include:
-Cognitive science
-Educational research in your classroom
-Providing critical feedback
-Canvas, Tophat, and Evalue in the classroom
-Cultural competence in the Veterinary Medical Classroom
-Documenting teaching effectiveness

E-mail Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu

To Apply:
Submit a teaching-focused CV along with a letter of intent describing why you feel this program would be beneficial to your teaching practice and what you hope to gain. Submit your materials through the application link below.

Application Deadline:
Friday, September 15, 2023 by 5pm