CY2018 CVM Faculty Performance, Productivity, and Impact Record


Academic Profile



             Department:  _______________________


            Tenure Status:  ______________________

Date Appointed to Current Rank:

(post-tenure review required at least every seven years)      __________________________________




Graduate Faculty:  Yes   No






 Impact Summary                                                                                                                            

Accomplishments for the year. 5-6 key points are preferred. Impact on initiative undertaken for the department, profession, and university. What are your points of pride for the year?


















Do you have a DVM  Yes   No




Institution, Degree, MS, BS/BA, PhD, Other, MD, Year of graduation, Area of study





Specialty Board Certification(s):





Honors and Awards Received in 2018:





Duties (Actual PRS %)                                                                                                                   



Actual PRS %

Scholarly Teaching




Professional Practice




Institutional Service








Scholarly Teaching - Instruction

Professional Curriculum Courses


1) Instructor in Charge






Instructor Eval Score

























2) Other participation in professional curriculum courses






Instructor Eval Score

























Term = Fall, Spring, Summer




Graduate Curriculum Courses          



1) Instructor in Charge







Instructor Eval Score

























2) Other participation in graduate curriculum courses






Instructor Eval Score





























Undergraduate Curriculum Courses


1) Instructor in Charge






Instructor Eval Score






























2) Other participation in undergraduate curriculum courses







Instructor Eval Score


































Creativity in Instruction - 2000 character Limit


Summarize your new creative efforts in instruction other than regular curriculum updating and revision. Examples might be innovations in course format or teaching philosophy, or creation of new teaching materials. Be sure to identify if any are peer-reviewed.







 Research and Other Scholarly Activity                                                                                      


____H-factor   The H Factor is an index that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the published body of work of a scholar. The H-index for a given scholar can be found from Web of Science or Google Scholar.

Please format in the following manner:

PI, Co-PIs. Title. Funding Agency. Start Date-End Date. Amount.


Main R, Anderson G, Hennings J, Torrison J, Martin M. Veterinary Diagnostic Portal and Data Warehouse for Data Mining Applications. Swine Health Information Center. 7/1/17 - 9/30/18. $275,000.




Grants and Contracts -Newly Awarded in 2018

List PI, Co-PIs, Title, Funding Agency, Start Date, End Date, Amount






Grants and Contracts - Active in 2018

List PI, Co-PIs, Title, Funding Agency, Start Date, End Date, Amount





Grants and Contracts - Pending in 2018

List PI, Co-PIs, Title, Funding Agency, Date Submitted, Amount








Grants and Contracts - Submitted, Funding denied in 2018

List PI, Co-PIs, Title, Funding Agency, Date Submitted, Amount





Grants and Contracts - Plan to submit in 2019

List PI, Co-PIs, Title, Funding Agency, Tentative Submission Date






Patents in 2018

List investigators, title number, date




Select "Manual Input" -> "Patent and Intellectual Property"




Research in Progress

Indicate the title and give a brief progress report for all projects







Manuscripts, Publications and Presentations in 2018

Each should be listed alphabetically by first author, please format in the following manner:

Author(s). Article Title. Journal Title. Year;Volume(issue):location.


Kvidera, SK, Dickson M, Ajamieh M, Snider D, Sanz Fernandez V, Johnson J, Keating A, Gorden PJ, Green H, Schoenberg K, and Baumgard L.  Intentionally reduced intestinal barrier integrity causes inflammation, affects metabolism, and reduces productivity in lactating Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci. 2017;100(5): 4113-4127.



1)              Refereed Publications







Impact Factor   (out of 99.0) The Impact Factor measures the impact of a journal and is based on the average number of citations received per paper published in that journal during the two preceding years. A journal’s impact factor can be found from Web of Science.



2)              Refereed Publications

Accepted but not in print








Impact Factor   (out of 99.0) The Impact Factor measures the impact of a journal and is based on the average number of citations received per paper published in that journal during the two preceding years. A journal’s impact factor can be found from Web of Science.


3)              Manuscripts

Prepared and submitted but not yet accepted









4)               Manuscripts

In preparation and to be submitted in the next six months






5)              Reports to Project Sponsors or Monitors






6)              Notes and/or Letters to the Editor




7)              Books and/or Book Chapters Published







8)              Books and/or Book Chapters

Submitted and/or accepted but not in print




9)              Web-based Publications




10)           Non-refereed Articles including Proceedings






11)            Invited Presentations

Presentation, name of meeting, location, dates





12)            All Other Presentations including Abstracts







13)           Organizational Responsibilities for Meetings (limit 1000 Chars)


Under Section G Organizational Responsibilities for Meetings (limit 1000 Chars)


Under Section ??? - ???? Missing ????






Mentoring/Advising (Each category will have a number and free text on each category)


Undergraduate Students


Veterinary Students



Graduate Students



















Under Section A Input Form


Graduate Student Committees


As Major Professor

List student’s name, degree sought, major



Under Section C Graduate Student Committees


On POS Committee

List student’s name, degree sought, major



Under Section C Graduate Student Committees



Supervising Veterinary Students in Research Laboratories



Under Section ??? - ???? Missing ????


















Professional Practice

Total Cases (#) and/or weeks on duty:

_____ Total Diagnostic Cases  (-drop down for necropsies, biopsies)                   _____Weeks on duty


            _____Diagnostic Cases - Necropsies


            _____Diagnostic Cases - Biopsies


_____Hospital Cases                          _____Weeks on duty


_____Field Service Cases                  _____Weeks on duty



______Farm/Site Visit for other reasons (IE courses)           _____Weeks on duty





Under Section A Cases and Weeks on Duty




Other individual examples of scholarship in professional practice (Character limit 5,000)




New techniques development




Fee for service agreements




Approved external consulting activities







Extension Programs                                                                             

Developed and/or delivered and number participating




Creativity in Extension and Outreach





 Institutional Service - Professional Activities


International Activities

List organization and position








Editorial Board/Reviewer/Grant Reviewer

List organization and position





Professional Societies: Offices/Committees/Memberships/Panels

List organization and affiliation







State and Other Organizations: Offices/Committees/Memberships/Panels

List organization and affiliation







University Committees

List committee and affiliation






College Committees

List committee and affiliation






Department Committees

List committee and affiliation





Advising Veterinary Students

Example: Advisor to 13 veterinary medical students





Advising Undergraduates Students

Example: Advisor to 2 undergraduate students






Fundraising Activities (limit 1000 Chars)







Professional Goals


What are your specific goals for next year?




What impact would you like to make?





What could the department do to help you achieve your goals for next year?






What are your long-term goals?





 Career Development                                                                                                                    


List all career development activities that you participated in during 2018.

Examples: sabbaticals, formal education programs, continuing education, etc.





Please indicate activities that you participated in relating to the College’s goals toward excellence in diversity and inclusion in 2018 specifically relating to: DVM students, graduate students, faculty and staff, other.

Examples: embedding diverse examples in teaching, organizing or participating in College programs (mentoring/outreach/other), attending non-mandatory workshops, participating in multicultural activities organized by College of University, etc.




List career development activities you would like to participate in or attend in 2019.










Please share any issues of concern.









Faculty Signature



Department Chair Signature















CY2018 CVM Faculty Performance, Productivity, and Impact Record